Whoah! It's March already...for the past weeks I've been busy with exam and classes. Mind you my class is everyday from 9-6. It drains my energy out by the end of the day.
Thinking of next week make me nervous (not so nervous actually). First, because my exam result will be ready next week and second because my Module 7 class will begin. Same as this week, everyday class 9-6 with big big names that gonna teach us. There's only 4 of us in the class. I like it but sometimes I feel down too. Seems like I'm the one with lowest IQ in my class.
Speaking about exam, which I don't feel nervous about, which is not a good sign. Because, selalunya kalau sy xrasa takut atau xrasa pape, I sense it's not gonna good. But....I'm hoping that it goes well. I wanna go back to my little sweet Sarah.
Rindu budak ni.

I believe your can do it.
I believe your are the one.
I believe your are the best.
Sape cik anonymous ni? :))
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