On my side, things are not good lately. My exam result is out already and I failed 3 papers with just 1 point. I'm a bit disappointed but I think I deserve it because I didn't study hard enough. And it's kind of a reminder from Allah s.w.t supaya sy xleka sgt kt sini. (sebenarnya rasa nk balik sgt2 dah ni...bukan best sgt pon duk sini).
Apa yg best kt sini so far is: Free newspaper every morning and afternoon, excellent public transport, health and education system...Itu saje. Oh ya one more thing I do really love is, there's NO CICAKS here!
Ok la, dah merapu meraban, PBL dan tajuk dissertation xdak lg ni (mati la aku...). For my little princess, Happy Birthday sayang, mommy loves you sooo much.