Today, while we were 'lepaking' on Sunday, my husband got a call from a very important person. We were quit surprised that he called and he was quite concern about us (not to mention others who didn't care at all and lied!). His advice was so meaningful and wise. At this point, I think I've reached my breaking point. I think I had enough of all this undecided thing. Where to go? Where to stay? Where to work? What I want to be and what I want to do with my life. Cause all this does not make any sense at all. I don't understand why some people don't want me. Why they are so afraid to take me. Or not afraid but hate me that much. As far as I'm concerned I've never hurt anyone there nor treat them badly (except for that one incidence in which I was rude to one of them and I regret the hell out of me and keep asking for forgiveness till now actually. But the person seems don't care at all).
And there we are. At the junction of the two road again. Both road do not promise anything and I seem to be an invisible person to anybody. I am not that important to be considered and to be given a chance to shine I guess. But I have faith in Allah. I know He knows the best for me. Just that my time has not arrive yet. So be patience and keep having faith. Faith!
Perginya Mak Ajah … Alfatihah
5 years ago
sabar ye madm..
Hai orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu, dan bersedialah serta bertakwalah kepada Allah, supaya kamu berjaya.(Ali-Imran [200])
Mereka itu akan beroleh pahala dua kali disebabkan kesabaran mereka; dan juga kerana mereka menolak kejahatan dengan kebaikan, dan mereka menderma dari apa yang Kami kurniakan kepada mereka.(Al-Qasas [54])
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